3 Reasons The Beach is Good for Your Health

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes…including you.

-Anne Lamott

When is the last time you…..

  • Sat and quietly watched a sunset?
  • Hiked a beautiful path to the soundtrack of birdsong?
  • Dipped in and out of a soothing hydrotherapy pool following a relaxing massage?
  • Feasted on healthy and delicious cuisine (with the bonus of no preparation and clean-up)?
  • Read half a book in an afternoon with the sun on your face?
  • Stretched your aching muscles in a peaceful morning yoga class before breakfast on the beach?

News Flash: The Beach is Good for Your Health!

#1 It is good for stress relief

Calming waves and sun are a natural stressbuster, as is the “salt air/beach smell” so many love. Inhaling negative ions and viewing “blue space” are good for mental health.

# 2 It’s good for your skin

Saltwater helps heal blemishes and cuts, while also reducing inflammation and pain. The sand acts as a natural exfoliant. (Don’t forget to slather on plenty of sunscreen though!)

#3 It’s good for getting moving

Walking on the sand is a more intense workout than walking on concrete. Get in some steps and then indulge your playful side by jumping over the waves!

With all that said, are you ready?

Ready to plan your next vacation or getaway? If so, Easy Breezy Journeys is here to make it easy for you!

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