Rüdesheimer Kaffee
AKA: Rüdesheimer coffee

1 ⅓ oz. Asbach Uralt (a dry, aged brandy such as Cognac, Armagnac, Brandy de Jerez, or any other quality German or California grape brandy will do)
3 sugar cubes
Brewed coffee
Decoration: whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles

Put three sugar cubes in a coffee cup. Add 1 ⅓ ounces (a double shot in the U.S. may be 2 fluid ounces or more) well-heated Asbach Uralt and light with a long match.
Stir with a long-stemmed spoon so that the sugar dissolves well and allow it to burn for about 1 minute. Top off to just about an inch below the edge of the cup with hot coffee. Put a dollop of whipped cream, sweetened with vanilla sugar, on top and add dark chocolate sprinkles.
Tip: Heat the brandy in a microwave-safe container for 1 minute at 600 watts or over hot water.
If you’d like to see the history and more about this recipe, click HERE to see Ama Waterways’ original blog posting!
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