In today’s post-covid world, there are a lot of new travel considerations you might need to consider when planning your vacation. On this page, I’m going to post resources that I think you might find helpful.
Here’s a really great, extremely comprehensive Vacation Health & Safety Guide – which is continuously updated by my office’s back end team – click HERE to view the Book with Confidence Guide. Be advised before you open – it’s a TON of information, 65+ pages.

Disclaimer: Always check with a travel professional, your airline, or the US Department of State for the most current and up to date information.
You can see the US Department of State’s Recommendations by clicking HERE anytime. This is always a reliable go-to resource for travelers to learn about entry and exit requirements, recommendations, local laws, safety and security, health information, getting around information, and country embassy information.
International Travel Requirements and Recommendations (posted by the CDC on 11/5/21) click HERE to view:
- International Travel Requirements for US citizens, US Nationals, US Lawful Permanent Residents & Immigrants,
- International Travel Requirements for Non US Citizens, Non-US Immigrants
- Travel Recommendations by Destination
- Required Testing before Air Travel to the US
- Mask Requirement
- Vaccine Requirement
- Covid-19 Travel Recommendations by Destination
- When Not to travel
- Travel FAQs
- Safter Travel Tips for Families with Unvaccinated Children
Traveling to the United States from a Foreign Country by Air, by the CDC November 2021 – click HERE to see a helpful infographic.
Learn how U.S. travel requirements apply to you (posted by the CDC on 10/25/21) – Take the Quiz by clicking HERE.
If you have questions, concerns, or would like to work with Easy Breezy Journeys to ensure you’re up to date on everything, because we are all so very busy, just click here to get started planning your next trip!